Transplant Care Coverage

Continuing patient access to innovative treatment options

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What is going on?

On August 10, 2023, MolDX issued a call for public comment on proposed changes to Medicare coverage policy (the local coverage determination (LCD)) which provides coverage guidance for the use of molecular testing (including donor-derived cell-free DNA) in solid organ transplant recipients. The purported rationale for the revisions is to provide clarity of coverage criteria without “change in coverage from the current Policy,” however, a close reading of the revisions suggests the new policy would have substantive coverage implications in two important areas for use in lung transplantation:

1. Frequency of Molecular Surveillance Testing
2. Concurrent Molecular Testing and Biopsy

Below, we review each in detail and describe how the new LCD may adversely impact clinical practice and patient care. 

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13. Bhorade SM, Husain AN, Liao C, Li LC, Ahya VN, Baz MA, Valentine VG, Love RB, Seethamraju H, Alex CG, Bag R, DeOliveira NC, Vigneswaran WT, Garrity ER, Arcasoy SM. Interobserver variability in grading transbronchial lung biopsy specimens after lung transplantation. Chest 2013; 143: 1717-1724.
14. Sayah D, Weigt SS, Ramsey A, Ardehali A, Golden J, Ross DJ. Plasma Donor-derived Cell-free DNA Levels Are Increased During Acute Cellular Rejection After Lung Transplant: Pilot Data. Transplant Direct 2020; 6: e608.
15. Khush KK, De Vlaminck I, Luikart H, Ross DJ, Nicolls MR. Donor-derived, cell-free DNA levels by next-generation targeted sequencing are elevated in allograft rejection after lung transplantation. ERJ Open Res 2021; 7.
16. Levine DJ, Ross DJ, Sako E. Single Center "Snapshot" Experience With Donor-Derived Cell-Free DNA After Lung Transplantation. Biomark Insights 2020; 15: 1177271920958704.
17. Keller M, Sun J, Mutebi C, Shah P, Levine D, Aryal S, Iacono A, Timofte I, Mathew J, Varghese A, Giner C, Agbor-Enoh S. Donor-derived cell-free DNA as a composite marker of acute lung allograft dysfunction in clinical care. J Heart Lung Transplant 2022; 41: 458-466.
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20. Stites E, Kumar D, Olaitan O, John Swanson S, Leca N, Weir M, Bromberg J, Melancon J, Agha I, Fattah H, Alhamad T, Qazi Y, Wiseman A, Gupta G. High levels of dd-cfDNA identify patients with TCMR 1A and borderline allograft rejection at elevated risk of graft injury. Am J Transplant 2020; 20: 2491-2498.